
My passion is to make people stop, read, and think.

I love building products that help people and make their lives easier. In tech, the growth curve never stops; there’s always a need for copy or a story to guide users through experiences.

I write all kinds of copy (campaigns, marketing emails, apps…), but I especially love UX writing because it allows me to focus on the user and empathize with their needs.

I’m that little voice in people’s head that helps them at every step and makes sure they get what they want in the simplest way possible.

I also enjoy leading the collaboration between designers, researchers, developers, engineers, and being the “glue” that holds everyone’s work together.


  • UX writing, microcopy

  • Content strategy

  • Accessible writing

  • Technical writing

  • Copywriting skills

  • Big ideas, concepts

  • Tactics and activations

  • Naming and branding

  • Social content

  • Digital, print, interactive and video




I won my first poetry prize when I was 11 years old.

I played the part of Zorro in a play.

I speak fluent Italian and can drink a lot of coffee.

I won a medal in gymnastics at the Italian Nationals.

I also like to listen to paintings in museums… and blog about it here.